Winning the Witnesses
Proven step-by-step methods that will help you bring Jehovah’s Witnesses to Christ.
While serving as an Associate Pastor in 1996, Daniel Rodriguez was instrumental in targeting his city’s large Jehovah’s Witness population. Construction of a Kingdom Hall was stopped because the strategies in this book either won Witnesses to Christ or destroyed their faith in the Watchtower Society.
The step-by-step plan in this practical, easy-reading book will help you to reach Jehovah’s Witnesses like you never thought possible.
Why Jehovah’s Witnesses won’t listen when you quote your Bible.
How to get them to actually hear and receive your words.
How you can get them to doubt their leaders.
Tactics they use to get Christians sidetracked.
You Will Also Learn:
The logic that is such an effective tool to reach them.
How to persuade honest Witnesses to reject the authority of the Watchtower Society.
How Watchtower publications contradict themselves, the Bible, and their religion.
Why the first thing you must do is destroy their faith in the Watchtower, and how to do it.
Paperback; 107 pages
ISBN 9780758907035