The Battle for Baptist History
Establishes a continuity of Baptist churches from the ministry of Christ to present.
"The Battle For Baptist History is a book for our times - for true Baptists who have not shown a proper concern for the battle, as well as for those who remain unconscious of it. Dr. Cross has researched his subject well and recorded information in an enlightening volume. It will be required reading in my seminary Church History classes." - DR. J. W. GRIFFITH, Professor of Church History, Texas Baptist Seminary.
1. The Reformation and Baptist Compromise
2. The Battle Lines are Drawn
3. The Great Host of Witnesses
4. What Our Predecessors Believed Before the Reformation
5. The New Breed
6. Protestants and Baptists Reach America
7. Is Baptist Perpetuity a Landmark Baby?
8. What Difference Does It Make?
Published by Bogard Press
Paperback; 216 pages
ISBN 0892113030